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With our STEAM program, a new emphasis has been be placed on our Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics programs. Why do we want to place this emphasis on STEAM? Because we believe that we’re being called to have more EC Graduates working in STEAM fields. Here’s our list of 8 reasons why we need more Christians in STEAM fields:

  1. science2Because we live in a time when Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math are being rapidly used to change the world as we know it. In order for us to continue to fulfill our mission of developing graduates that “act as Christ’s transforming agents in a global society,” we need graduates in STEAM fields.
  2. Because we serve an amazing Creator!
  3. Because creation itself groans out for restoration. I dare you to watch this video and not feel emotionally touched. It’s a series of image bearers of Christ with hearing impairments. And through the miracle of modern science/technology, they can hear for the first time. Why do we feel emotionally touched when we watch something like this? Because God has hard-wired us to be creation-restorers. When we see such a beautiful picture of creation being restored, our soul sings! We need more Christians in science doing more work like this to fulfill this calling that dates back to Genesis!
  4. Because the world needs more people who view science and faith as compatible, not competitive. That’s a concept that is at the heart of a Reformed, Christian world and life view. Check out these related quotes from key reformation thinkers:
    • “God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars.” -Martin Luther
    • “There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, “Mine!”” -Abraham Kuyper
    • “Knowledge of the sciences is so much smoke apart from the heavenly science of Christ.”   -John Calvin
  5. science3Because the Arts are being limited at too many other schools. EC has an award-winning Art program. We were very intentional about incorporating ART into our STEAM program. Our program is not a STEM program (note the absence of the “A” for “Art”). It is increasingly important in our visual learning, screen-happy world for EC graduates to be able to beautifully and clearly express ideas.
  6. Because our nation is increasingly recognizing that we need more women in STEAM fields. We want to raise up a generation of Christian women to lead this charge!
  7. Because the US needs to continue to progress in STEAM fields in order to remain a world leader in innovative technologies. This is a movement with potential global influence for the Kingdom!
  8. Because robots and automation will play an increasingly important role in our lives. It will be important for Christian minds to help shape the way that these tools are used in our lives. EC is excited to launch a brand new robotics course as part of our STEAM program.

For all these reasons (and more) we love the STEAM program at EC. Is this a program that you might consider for your rising 9th grader? Click here for more information on the STEAM program.

Rudi Gesch

By: Rudi Gesch

Rudi is the Director of Marketing & Communications at EC.

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